Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 11

I have been very busy this week with getting back into a routine with my children and school.  So far it has been going well.  I believe I will have time in the afternoons to exercise and it will before the three older ones get home.  With them not being around gives me a little peace and quiet which I will be able to spend on me.

I have been working on my eating and it is slow going.  Some days are better than other but I'm working on this really hard.  I have been cutting down my portions sizes and next I plan on getting in more fruits & veggies.  I have increased some of the fruits and veggies but it not enough yet.  I also have cut down the amount of salt I using and hopefully will cut it out totally.  I love adding salt to all my food except fruits so cutting out that extra salt is really hard.

I have been getting some exercises in each day and hopefully will increase it next week.  I have been walking the girls to and from school.  It is only 2 1/2 block each way but on some days I got back and forth twice.  I have some problems with a rib getting out of alinement so I for an adjustment at least once a month.  I'm hoping with losing the weight it will help with my heavy top half that keep pulling on my shoulders which cause all the problems.   I just had to have an adjustment today because it was out and it cause a lot of pain when I was walking.

Today was my weigh in day so I wanted to let everyone know I lost another 2 pounds.  This make a total of 7 pounds in the last two weeks.

I keep telling myself that people who read my blog will not get mad at me if I make a mistake.  I have this fear that if I write down my mistake on here I will not have one to help support me.  I need all the support I can get right now!

I want to say "Thank You" to all the people who read my blog and for the comments.



  1. This is your journay, April. Noone out here in the blogosphere is going to get mad if you make a mistake... there may be suggestions of ways to do better in the future or a gentle pushing (and in some cases I have seen people use what they call 'tough love'), but I can't think of anyone I have 'met' online yet who would be upset if you have a less than perfect week. Besides, you need to remember that you are doing this for you and your family. Way to go on the two pound loss! You are still going in the right direction and I can't wait to see what else you accomplish!!!

  2. April,]
    Girl you are headed in the right direction and it does get easier, you are doing fine, just keep going!!
