Friday, August 28, 2009

day 5

Today was weight in day and I have lost 5 pounds this week!! I was glad to see I had lost that much weight but I know not to expect it every week. Because some weeks will lose some and others you may not. Last night was open house at the school so we took the girls up there so they could drop of their school supplies. Also they got to see were their room was and meet the teachers. Amber will be 4yr kindergarten so she was a little shy meet her teacher but I know she will come out her shell after a couple of days.  I had a very busy day with my children.

First, I had to take JoEllen and MaKayla to the Dentist because they were getting sealant on their molars. We ended up canceling MaKayla's appointment because she had a bad cough. JoEllen also need a couple of baby teeth pulled because her adult teeth were coming in wrong. I was really surprised because she sat real still and didn't care at all.  Not something you expect from a 7yr old but I'm glad it went well.

I also took MaKayla into the doctor's office for the cough.  Found out that she has a sinus infection and an ear infection in the left ear.   She is now on oral medication for sinus infection and ear drop for ear infection.  So hopefully she will be better in a couple of days.

We also had to supplies for the week and it was fun.  My son Levi is getting to bottom teeth and he had a heat rash so he was very crabby.  I don't blame him at all because if I was going through it I would feel the same way.  So with him being crabby it took a little long to get some of the stuff.

I didn't do to well with my eating because I didn't eat the right things.  It was a little hard when you are gone from the house from 11am until 4:30pm.  So I overate after I got home but I will not totally bum me out.  Usually I would just give up and keep on eating but I will not let myself go of the deep end.  I forgive myself and will learn from my mistake.  Tomorrow will be a new day and I will continue on this journey.

I keep telling myself that I can do this.  I'm like Thomas the toy train I keep letting myself "I think I can, I think I can!"


1 comment:

  1. You CAN do this!!! Way to go on the great loss, April! You've obviously put in a lot of effort this week to be seeing such a big drop in the number on the scale already. I am still really new to this journey too so I can completely relate to making mistakes and learning from them. The best thing that I have been doing so far is preparing healthy food options (like chopped up vegetables or a pre-made salad) ahead of time so that when I am hungry I have something ready that is not junk. Even if I were to eat six cups of salad I figure it's still better than two cups of chips or half a dozen cookies, right?

    One of the things that I did that really helped me collect a community of great bloggers around me in a short time (which, as you know, really helps keep your motivation up) was that I went to a few weight loss forums and commented on the fact that I was starting a blog and looking for support. It might be worth a try if you are looking for encouragement!
