Monday, May 24, 2010

Quick check in

I have made Mondays as my weigh in days because the weekends are always the worst time for me. This last week has been a down week because I always overeat before my Aunt Flo arrives. I know it is not excuse and I need to change my habits. I gained 6# this week. Part of the reason was salty food and wine coolers. I also am starting to feel bloated which doesn't help at all.

Today, I got back on track. I ate really well and did some exercises. I did 30mins on my elliptical machine. I also walked my daughter to school in 90 degree weather. Tonight I walk 2000 steps. Also did some strength training for full body. I plan on trying to at least get in 30mins of Cardio and 2000 steps. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will do some strength training.

Over all it was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi April. I think your plan sounds great! And I plan to join it with you starting TODAY! I've just moved from LA to mid-Atlantic and am unpacking boxes and boxes of clothing that are too small and I'm feeling my insanity of "WHO in their right mind would move all these clothes 3,000 miles???"! So I'm going to set up my blog tonight, share my story, and gain strength from your courage. Thank you for motivating me. And stay tuned! I'll be walking those 2000 steps right with you!
