Wednesday, June 23, 2010

post 3 for week 1

Today is the last day for week 1 and I did pretty well. I still have to work on my goals but I have done better than the week before. I have been trying really hard to work on my addiction with food. I did make mistake a couple of nights by eating before bed with is one of my goals. But I didn't do it every night like I use to do. This is an improvement so I'm very happy about this even though I did achieve the goal. I know I'm not prefect so any improvement makes me happy. I will be working on this every day and hopefully after a couple of weeks it will be a habit.

I have achieved my goal of exercising 3 times a week. I exercised Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday. I was going to exercise on Monday but it did happen but I still got my 3 days. Whoo Hoo!!!!! I did 30mins on my elliptical machine yesterday. I plan on doing most of my exercise on my elliptical machine but I also plan on adding other exercise to my daily routine.

I have been watching Dance Your Ass off on Tv and I can't believe how hard they work. I wish I could get myself to work that hard but for some reason I haven't been able going on it. It is so hard to keep up on the exercise if you don't have someone to check in with to see if you are making progress. I use to have a friend who would do this but she decided that she could be my friend anymore because my husband is her ex-husband's cousin. We help her out a lot by giving her money when she need some food in the house. We also bought her things when we went the store together and we also loaned her our pick-up truck when her car broke down. My husband was working on her car to get it fix then her ex sister-in-law(my hubby's cousin) found a friend who could finish it. The car she has came from my Mom for $2000 which was worth $5000. She is supposed to make a monthly payment to my Mom even if it is only $10. I can't understand why you would drop a friend who has help you out when you needed it. I'm trying not to let this derail me on my journey to a better me.

Today, I plan on doing 30mins on my elliptical machine and to eat at least 4 fruits/veggies. I got to go kids are fighting again. Heaven help me please!!!


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